How to Clean Leather Shoes to maintain a long-lasting shine

Leather shoes are expensive items, so it’s important to take care of them properly. These tips will help you keep your favorite pair of shoes looking their best.
how to clean leather shoes - detailed guide

From suedes to sneakers, leather footwear is adaptable enough to be worn daily. No matter how durable or appealing they appear, over time, they can wear out. As such, knowing how to clean leather shoes at home is important if you want to maintain their shine.

In this article, you’ll learn how to clean your shoes with leather uppers and boots in a way that will keep them looking new for years to come.


  • You can clean your leather footwear at home using simple tools such as a brush, soap, and a soft cloth.
  • Leather boots need light brush-offs with a horsehair shoe brush after use to retain their shine. Only clean with a conditioner once a month
  • Avoid using the washing machine to clean your suede or leather shoes so they don’t crack or spoil the machine.

Cleaning Different Types of Leather Shoes

different types of leather shoes
Photo by Dayvison de Oliveira Silva from Pexels

Leather shoes are made of different types of leather, which vary in thickness and composition. The most common type is suede, thin, soft leather that comes from the skin of sheep or goats. It has a smooth surface with no grain to it. Suede can be dyed any color, but its natural color is usually a light tan, brown, black, gray, white, or even pinkish-gray.

Other types include faux leather shoes – like vinyl or plastic – and nubuck, thick, coarse leather that is often used for dress shoes. There are also patent leather shoes – which are made from real leather but have an added layer of synthetic material to make them water-resistant.

Common problems with leather boots

Leather shoes have a few flaws you should note. Your boot will last longer if you don’t clean too it frequently. The most common issues are: 

  • Neglect is to blame for ending your lovely friendship with your sophisticated leather footwear. So make sure you clean them. 
  • Another surefire way to ruin your shoes is to use the wrong method of cleaning. One of the primary reasons you should read this article. To gain a better understanding of how to clean your shoe 
  • Exposing your boot to extreme heat would make it dry out or fade. 
  • In smoggy or freezing weather, it’s difficult to clean your shoes because you’ve kept them in a hot, dry place. Then your shoes can become infested with mold and mildew in hot or wet weather. Add sweaty feet to the mix and you’d get stinky shoes. 
  • To keep your leather looking its best, you should avoid using harsh detergents or bleach. This is because these laundry detergents can ruin leather shoes’ natural texture. 

Materials needed to clean leather shoes

Here are some of the best leather shoe cleaning tools; 

  • A horsehair shoe brush to remove the loose grime and dirt. 
  • Mild dish soap to get rid of salt and water stains.  
  • A leather shoe polish to enhance its appearance.
  • A shoe protection spray to keep them clean and dry. 
  • For the most part, you’ll want to use a dry cloth made of microfiber material for cleaning. 

How to Clean Leather Shoes: Basic cleaning steps to follow

products for cleaning leather shoes
Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

Leather shoes are not one of the shoes you can wash in a washer since they are made of delicate materials. But the steps below can help you keep your pair of leather shoes looking their best. Place a sheet on the floor before you begin. This would cut down on cleanup time and prevent minor accidents. Next: 

Remove the shoe laces. 

Unlace the boots so they don’t get in the way while cleaning. They also need regular cleaning so you can throw them in the washer or use another pair. 

Using a Brush, clean up any dirt or debris from the area. 

Dirt buildup can destroy your leather footwear’s fibers. You can get a soft shoe brush to remove dirt and sand from the surface. Ensure to take into consideration scuff marks, scrapes, and brush marks when cleaning. Brushing off dirt from your leather shoes after every wear will make cleaning them much easier. 

Stubborn Stains? Turn to Soap! 

Using an absorbent cloth or a fluffy brush, dampen it with little water and soap then wipe the exterior surfaces. If you’re using a combi foam, stir and dab on the shoe in a tiny circular motion. Make sure to use the fluffy brush’s soft side. 

Don’t wet the leather too much. When cleaning, it’s better to use less soap so that you don’t get a lot of water on your hands and then have to wipe them off. As with scuffs or hard marks, simply dab them. If that doesn’t work, apply a little more pressure when rubbing the affected area. 

Remove Soap from the Leather Footwear

Once you’ve finished cleaning, use a clean cloth or dry paper towel to wipe away any soap or combi foam. When the shoes are dry enough, you can ow shine the surface using a boot oil or leather conditioner. 

To complete this task, it can take from around 20 mins to an hour. Make sure you insert them into adjustable shoe trees to help keep the shape of your beloved boots. 

A Shoe Brush and Polish are the Final Steps to Cleaning 

Person brushing brown leather shoe after cleaning
Photo by Kelly L from Pexels

Using a spotless, soft cloth and a pure or corresponding colored polish, work your way around the entire shoe clockwise. In addition to preventing stains, this would help retain its color. 

Nevertheless, be on the lookout for a polish that isn’t close in hue to the shoe you’re cleaning. Prevent discoloration by using the beeswax-based polish that matches the hue, especially for bespoke shoes. You can test the hue on your backhand or an unnoticeable area first. 

Allowing Time for Air Drying 

Dry your leather shoes out in the open to prevent cracking. They should be kept out of the direct sun (or a heater) to avoid fading or cracking the leather. 

Use a Protective Spray

A 30 cm distance is ideal for applying an amazing protection spray to the shoes after the cleaning and polishing. Soften, supple, and waterproof leather shoes with this treatment. 

An average of 4 times a year should suffice. If you reside in an area with a lot of rain, you’ll have to do it quite frequently. 

You should note that cleaning your leather shoes is a straightforward process. So if you want to extend the life of your leather shoes, clean them as soon as they become filthy. 

Only then would you avoid long-lasting filth and stains.

Suede Shoe Care: How do you make suede boots look new 

An excellent leather shoe example is the suede shoe. When it comes to caring for suede boots, the key is to stay away from water so you don’t damage the velvety texture. To start;

  • Use a suede brush or toothbrush to remove any loose dirt from the surface material. 
  • A spotless block eraser is the next tool you’ll need to get rid of minor scratches and marks. 
  • You can get rid of larger stains using white vinegar on a soft cloth.
  • Finally, let the shoes dry naturally. Brush the shoe’s surface after you’ve air-dried them. 

Cleaning Leather Shoes at Home with Simple Household Items

You don’t have to be a shoe care specialist to maintain a clean leather shoe at home. There are several DIY methods to clean all types of shoes from running shoes to dress shoes and more. 

Also, this method is useful and easy to implement. Take the following actions; 

  • In a medium-sized bowl of water, mix a tiny portion of dish soap. Dampen a soft towel and wipe away any noticeable dirt or salt blemish on your shoes. 
  • Next, add baking soda to the bowl of water and stir. Dip a toothbrush in and use it to thoroughly clean the bottoms of your shoes.
  • Take a cotton towel and wipe off soap and grime from the shoe sole or run it under cold water. 
  • Apply a mist of window cleaner with a cotton towel to your pair of shoes then buff the surface using a polishing cloth. 
  • Hang your shoes outside to dry when you’re done.

Clean Dirt off Leather Shoes with these Quick and Easy Methods

Your beloved shoes can inevitably get stained, but this doesn’t mean that they have to be permanently damaged. This is how to remove stains from leather;


Use a cotton swab moistened in nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol to lightly blot the stain. The ink will spread if you rub it. 

To remove the stain by dabbing it away with a soft cloth. After that, use a damp cloth to wipe the surface and a towel to dry it completely. 

Grease or cooking fat 

Knowing how to get grease out of shoes is extremely important. Here’s what works best: Sprinkle Baking Soda or Cornstarch on the area that needs extra attention. 

You can use a damp cloth to gently rub the shoe. So the soda or starch can absorb the oil, let it sit for the next several hours or overnight. 

Finally, use a soft cloth to remove the powder from your skin. 


Use toothpaste to remove scuffs from leather shoes. If you only need a small amount of the non-gel type, you’ll be fine. Then, use a soft cloth to gently scrub the affected area. 

Discolorations Other Than Those Mentioned 

Mix lemon juice and cream of tartar in an equal amount to make a paste. After applying it to the stained area, let it rest for 30 minutes before rinsing it off. Next, use a  dampened cloth to remove the paste from the affected area. 

You should use bleaching agents such as lemon and cream of tartar on light-colored leather due to the risk of damaging the finish.


Is It Safe To Use Olive Oil On Leather Shoes? 

Using olive or walnut oil as a shoe polish substitute is a good option for smooth leather. Clean with a fluffy cotton cloth after applying a small proportion to the shoe. Ensure to test out this procedure on an inconspicuous part of the shoe. 

Can My Leather Shoes Get Wet?

Your leather shoes can get wet. The best way to protect your leather shoes from water damage is by using a waterproofing product. If you are not sure what type of shoe polish or wax will work for your particular pair of leather shoes, it is always best to consult with a professional shoe repair shop before applying any products.

How Do I Clean A Shoe Ruined By Salt Exposure?

For leather shoes ruined by salt exposure, you can clean them with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Mix 1/4 cup of each together and apply to the shoe. Let it sit for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. You may want to add some conditioner to help soften the leather.


Leather shoes are amazing pieces of footwear. Whether you’re walking all day, or spending a night out with friends, they provide comfort, style, and durability. However, they also require maintenance. In order to keep your leather shoes looking their best, you must know how to clean them properly. You can follow these steps to ensure that your leather shoes look great for years to come!


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